Setup file storage
in minutes not days.

A modern S3 alternative that doesn't get in your way.

Get started for free
As easy as using the localStorage
import { f0 } from 'file0';
// Upload
await f0.set('image.png', myImage);
// Download
await f0.get('image.png');
// Delete
await f0.delete('image.png');

Do more with less effort.

What used to take hours, now takes minutes.

import { f0 } from 'file0';
await f0.publish('image.png');
// This file is served from a CDN automatically


import { S3Client, PutObjectAclCommand } from '@aws-sdk/client-s3';
const s3 = new S3Client({});
const bucketPolicy = {
  Version: "2012-10-17",
  Statement: [
        Effect: "Allow",
        Principal: "*",
        Action: "s3:GetObject",
        Resource: "arn:aws:s3:::mybucket/image.png"
const policyParams = {
  Bucket: bucketName,
  Policy: JSON.stringify(bucketPolicy)
const command = new PutBucketPolicyCommand(policyParams);
const response = await s3.send(command);
// Now the file is public, but you have to setup a CDN manually.

Why another service?


I do think the storage "space" could use some disruption. I use s3 every day at work, and my general feeling is that the entire permission system is more complicated than 99% of apps actually need, to the point of being dangerous;


I've come to think the UX requirements of enterprise and indie dev / start up customers are fundamentally incompatible in the cloud.


As somebody who's spent over a decade making interactions with filesystem easier, I really understand why somebody would be tired.


I remembered when S3 was simple and just works. Now the default set up flow is advanced enterprise secure web scale.

Runs anywhere.

Built on modern web-standards. Works in any runtime, frameworks, even in the browser.

0 deps 2.5kB

Low latency worldwide.

All your public files are served from global CDN.
No extra configuration needed.


Forget unexpected usage costs.


For testing and small projects.

$0/ month

  • 1 app
  • 0.1GB of storage
  • No credit card required
Get started


One subscription for all your projects.

$12/ month

  • Unlimited apps
  • 100 GB of storage
  • Unlimited bandwidth
Get started


Custom offering for extreme workloads.


  • Unlimited apps
  • Unlimited storage
  • Unlimited bandwidth
Reach out

All your files a function call away.

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